How to Ground a Wide Belt Sander

How to Ground a Wide Belt Sander
If you are working with a wide belt sander, it is important to know how to ground it to avoid issues that otherwise may arise. Have you been shocked while using a sander? An example of an issue that can occur could be static. The reason for this is because there is friction that keeps building up when the sander is being used, which causes the static electricity. The dust and grit particles while sanding can get all over the place; the belt, the inside of the machine, the surface you are working on, and even in your face. This could also lead to other issues like cross-grain sanding or your sanding belt could become overloaded.
Problems You May Have;
If you are having issues with either your machine or your workpiece, here is what may be causing the problem. If you are having issues with your conveyor belt , for example it got slippery, it is most likely due to dust building up and sticking to the belt. Going along with the dust build up, this could also make the belt go off track and even break. If dust is stuck and just keeps building up, your dust removal system could be of no help to you at all. Overall, if you are sanding and there is dust on your workpiece, it could lead to burning the material or surface. When you are getting a patchy type of work, this is what is referred to as a raised dashed line. You could also get a more aggressive cross-graining or even a shiny line on your workpiece due to dust or static.
How to Fix Your Problem
These issues could all be solved if you ground your wide belt sander the correct way. In order to do this, you can use a rod or elctrorod that is made of metal -- but most efficiently made of copper -- and ground it to the floor/dirt. First, you have to attach the rod to the sander itself. To do this, you attach the rod to the conveyor bed of the sander -- it is important that you attach it to the bed of the machine and to use a rod that is at least 3/8 thick. The next step is to put the rod into the floor, making sure it is about 3 to 6 feet deep. This will significantly help to avoid static because it helps remove the electrons -- which are causing the static -- between the machine and the ground. If you are working in an area with dry soil, consider moving your work station or going deeper into the floor. If those are not an option, get some water and pour it around the rod. If your issues are still occuring, another wire being added to the bed of the machine can help.
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