What to Avoid When Using an Orbital Sander

What To Avoid When Using an Orbital Sander
When you are working on a new job or a new workpiece, there is a few things to avoid in order to get a nice finish on your surface. Problems could arise if you are using the orbital sander wrong, for example, uneven finishes. A common issue is applying to much pressure when using the sander. This could lead to burning the surface or loading on the sheets or discs. You may think it is smart to apply more pressure, however, this will only make it harder for the orbital sander to actually rotate -- causing more friction. Remember to pick a grit size that is best for your job (the smaller the grit size, the more coarse it will be). Another problem could be if you are sanding too slowly or too fast. You may think it will take off more stock if you sand faster, but this could actually give you an uneven or patchy finish. Going too slow can lead to over sanding. When you are moving the machine at a steady pace, you will get the best finish. Also, avoid putting the sander onto the surface of your workpiece when it is already turned on , or even keeping the machine on the surface when you are turning it off. This will give you swirl marks and uneven work. A very common issue is caused from using your sander as if it were an angle grinder. These should not be used at an angle because it will cause one area on the workpiece to be more sanded then the other. This could also damage your sheets or discs -- making you have to throw them out faster then they should be. These few issues can be easily avoided and can make your job much more efficient and easier, while also getting the finish and outcome you wanted!
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